Cycling over the Harbour Bridge (which usually does not allow pedestrians or cyclists) was proposed soon after its completion in 1959, and many riders attempted it illegally.
Other riders may attempt to gain the lap early on in the race and try and defend the advantage.
The Daltons followed a rider fitting the description of the fugitive but the rider attempted to distance himself from the two deputies.
In fact, some riders, particularly those who are neither sprinters nor particularly good at time-trialing, may attempt only to win this particular competition within the race.
And of course, there were the clashes with the Jousters of Alta, as each rider attempted to deliberately unseat the other with his lance.
No rider has ever attempted that.
While the three riders were attempting to regain their mounts to continue, The Duke came to, and cleared, the same fence, continuing on to secure a long lead.
Randonneuring is similar to the original Audax style in that riders attempt to complete long-distance cycling events.
In randonneuring, riders attempt courses of 200 km or more, passing through predetermined "controls" (checkpoints) every few tens of kilometers.
The rider must attempt to stay on the bull for at least eight seconds, while only touching the bull with his riding hand.