Most riders place smaller studs on the front feet, because the horse, being a "rear-engine" animal, generally requires more traction behind.
In the video qualification round, any skier can compete and the prize is travel and accommodation for the riders placed top 4.
By then the tension eased and a few riders placed dollar bills in the paper cup he whipped out of his back pocket.
It's Debera,' and the green rider placed klah and a bowl of stew in front of him.
The riders stopped before her, and placed the tips of their lances down.
To do so, the rider may place two reins on the snaffle.
The Swedish team dominated the event, taking all three medals and having all six riders place within the top 8.
A rider on the transplanter can then place a plant in the hole.
There are many variations on the Trikke riding technique as riders place different emphasis on the elements of the movement.
Some riders also place quarter marks (decorative stenciling) on the hindquarters, although it is not particularly common as of 2007.