The 24-year-old Williams has played splendidly at Class AAA Columbus, where he is batting .311 and his stock has risen tremendously.
As the CMOS technology moved below sub-micron levels the power consumption per unit area of the chip has risen tremendously.
This involves the creation of limited edition 'art toys': vinyl figures that are marketed to contemporary art collectors and have risen tremendously in value.
Now that the infestation has spread, destroying millions of dollars worth of crops in the process, the costs have risen tremendously, to more than $100 million.
Income levels of the women have risen tremendously.
"Kaunda's standing has risen tremendously," said Fred M'membe, the editor of The Post, an independent weekly newspaper.
But since then property prices have risen tremendously.
We do of course find that life expectancy has risen tremendously over the years.
Income tax has risen tremendously in the last few decades, while tax on capital has fallen.