Rex John Shelverton's dank and heavily echoed overdubbed guitar lines majestically roll across the audioscape.
Wearing his scarlet flannel pad, he rolled majestically down the chute to the quay and everybody laughed and cheered.
Cumulus clouds rolled majestically through the blue sky, casting shadows or releasing light as they did so.
The Cord rolled majestically along the highway from Breckenridge, the morning sun gleaming on the bright chrome and new paint.
The thunder of outraged air in the path of the angelfire blast rolled majestically out across the archipelago like something dark tearing.
The controls were far simpler than those of the steam car, so much so that within a minute I was rolling majestically down the street.
The Porter Craigs were waiting for them at the villa, standing outside when the Bentley rolled majestically up.
I was flying low, as both Duare and I wished to see the country rolling majestically beneath us.
And for the Hudson River, as it rolls majestically by Westchester, only the Great American Novel would suffice.
The plume of fire rolled majestically up into the sky, leaving behind an expanding cloud of thick, black smoke.