Despite its name, the facilities are located in the municipality of Hondarribia, with the runway stretching like a spit of land along the river Bidasoa right on the Spanish-French border.
A Disputed Fuel Trail A Port Authority police official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said a trail of fuel had been discovered on the runway stretching 2,500 feet back from the spot where the jet halted.
But with the plane only a few yards in the air and a long runway stretching ahead, Captain Kinkead told investigators yesterday, he had already made a decision to abort.
Israeli negotiators monitoring the construction with overhead photography were dismayed to discover the runway stretching almost 3,000 yards, big enough to land major airplanes like Airbuses or Boeing 767's.
A short flight later, Walter stepped off the plane onto the tarmac of a narrow runway stretching across a desolate-looking desert valley.
This would involve a second runway stretching roughly westwards past the village of Ashley making a shallow 'V' with the south-west tip of the existing runway.
Runway used only runway stretching from South to North 1400 meters in length.
The headlamps successively illuminated two small hangars, a narrow, cleared runway stretching into the distance and, finally, a bullet-riddled Mosquito bomber with a crumpled undercarriage.