Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.
His mother sacrificed her own health to keep Michael fed for three years, when she died of malnutrition.
More important, it would provide power without sacrificing our health or our environment.
If we come in, you ought to be kind to him and not ask him to sacrifice his health by taking office.
We must be mindful of not sacrificing our long-term health to meet short-term needs.
Our ways do not demand that you sacrifice your health in order to carry out a symbolic act.
It's important to use styling products that provide control without sacrificing hair's health.
The time when we sacrificed the local environment and our citizens' health for jobs is long gone.
He was ready to sacrifice and risk his own health and life as a means of pressure to achieve change in Cuba.
It's wonderfully democratic: all you need is to sacrifice your health, sanity, and maybe a family member or two.