Meanwhile, another agent could act as a scheduling secretary - for instance, arranging for a car rental to be waiting after your plane lands.
Ms. Fahey, 30, had worked as the scheduling secretary to Gov. Thomas J. Carper.
(She made an alliance with the school's scheduling secretary to paint during team and band practices.)
There must be fifteen--no, there are more outside in the office of my scheduling secretary.
Fran Callanan, Mr. Andrews's scheduling secretary, has a lock on his schedule, and an accountant handles his finances.
THE CALL from Mr. French's scheduling secretary came at eleven-fifteen.
One executive secretary, two research secretaries, a social secretary, a scheduling secretary, a record-keeping secretary, and a personal private secretary.
When Dr. Riley's scheduling secretary answered, Laurie explained her situation.
When Abulurd refused to bribe the functionary, though, the scheduling secretary was unable to find a slot open until the end of a long session, three days hence.
The scheduling secretary laughed.