Six scientists have won the Nobel prize for their work on C. elegans.
First, academic scientists often win promotion and grants by the sheer number of papers they write.
And in the long run we scientists will win.
In 2009, three scientists won Nobel prizes for this work.
Critics also cite many scientists who they believe should have won a Nobel.
In the Kennewick case, scientists sued the government and ultimately won the right to examine the bones, something that is now taking place.
In 2004, a scientist who speaks out against government efforts to thwart terrorism does not win any popularity contests in Washington.
He's a father, Leighton, but he's also a scientist, and the scientist in him finally won the argument.
In 1978, two scientists won the Nobel Prize for discovering radio waves produced by the creation of the universe.
The scientist won the grant last year in a national competition and then turned it over to his foundation.