Its target market was Italian scooter riders who had settled down and had a young family, and needed their first car.
Many scooter riders I meet on my bicycle seem to believe that they can ride as if they're on a bicycle.
The scooter rider had messed up his getaway; he'd dropped the clutch too quickly and nearly stalled the engine.
Most scooter riders enjoy street to some extent, but only a small group declare themselves as focusing strictly on street riding.
When street riding, most scooter riders focus on cleanliness of tricks, or how easily it looks for a rider to do them.
But helmets may soon be required for young scooter riders in the state.
One scooter rider told me that they didn't like motorbikes because of "all the gear you have to wear".
Why do scooter riders think they are immune to gravel rash and loss of fingers and toes?
Pass a law requiring scooter riders to wear helmets.
Some communities have found a way to work out their differences with scooter riders.