Later, the women reunite after Hillary divorces her husband and discover that they have been secretly jealous of each other for years, without realizing it.
Although vampires feign disgust as to how humans reproduce, they are secretly jealous.
Emma is secretly jealous of her because she can do lots of things better than Emma, like playing the piano.
Larry is secretly jealous of Ren and considers Louis a threat, but will never admit it.
He was surrounded by mean-spirited men and women who hated him and were secretly jealous of his talent.
Serving the chief's son Basuli, he is secretly jealous of him, as well as hostile to outsiders, particularly Tarzan and his friends.
Bobby and Roo clash on many different occasions, whilst Bobby is secretly jealous.
I think he was secretly jealous of Bartholomew.
Pooja is Narain's best friend and he is secretly jealous that other girls can get his attention but she can't.
She is bratty and annoying, and is secretly jealous of her younger brother, Duncan, because he gets so much attention.