I tasted her tongue as it wrestled with mine, not seeking domination but only equal footing.
At a minimum, they simply strive for their own preservation, while others may have more expansionist motives and seek universal domination.
Groups consisting of competitive members generally enjoy seeking domination over others, and typically see conflict as a "win or lose" predicament.
They are not learned by the very young, the cruel or those who seek sexual gratification or domination over others.
The paired Sathid would then seek domination with an exponential increase in power.
Mr. Hussein, they contend, is the more dangerous of the two men, seeking regional domination rather than just survival.
Still, he, too, seeks domination in other, less obvious ways.
The form changed constantly, as if two forces sought domination and could not successfully defeat one another, the commander thought.
The symbol of the organization which sought complete domination of the galaxy.
Unlike God, however, the humans seek slave labor and totalitarian domination.