Ask Questions Before Surgery As more and more patients find the surgery they require no longer requires a hospital stay, they can increase their chances of getting good care at outpatient facilities by seeking referrals from trusted doctors and friends and by asking questions about the centers.
But if they are unable to find enough patients with the precise conditions, the investigators often seek referrals from medical colleagues or even advertise in local newspapers.
According to a recent survey conducted jointly by the Institute for the Future in Menlo Park, Calif., and Princeton Survey Research Associates, nearly two-thirds of the people who use the Web seek medical information and referrals.
It is designed primarily for routine tasks like making nonemergency appointments, refilling prescriptions or seeking referrals.
The public can obtain information by writing to the organization, and patients seeking referrals may consult the Physician Finder at
The FCC also found that the Church had made misleading statements about these practices when they claimed to actively seek female and minority referrals to fill vacancies as they occurred.
As word has spread, she said, parents have been pressing pediatricians for a diagnosis of S.I. and are seeking referrals for occupational therapy.
Severely ill Palestinians still seek referrals to Israeli hospitals because they are better equipped than those in Gaza.
Better than half of those 30,000 cases were health-related: 14 percent sought medical referrals; 36 percent involved medical monitoring, like the Thailand case, 4 percent involved medical evacuation and 1 percent repatriation of bodies.
They sought referrals from their real estate agent.