Gnassingbé's campaign posters and billboards were seemingly omnipresent in Lomé, vastly outnumbering those from the opposition.
If the seemingly omnipresent dark matter was in the pitons, the Doctor's weight would test them without risking a human life.
On the seemingly omnipresent Illiria, a 30-year-old yacht operated by Travel Dynamics of New York, the original bar has been replaced with a library.
Not helping matters is a busy, seemingly omnipresent sound track score by Ennio Morricone.
In place of a normal fictional world, there is only a seemingly omnipresent castle that dominates the village below.
And on Thursday evening at 8:30, the seemingly omnipresent Kronos Quartet takes the stage for the festival's final concert.
The engine even has a four-barrel carburetor, instead of today's seemingly omnipresent fuel injection.
There was always an element, in any harbor city, which resented the wealth and strength of the seemingly omnipresent Charisian merchant marine.
The Tempest also holds within its limitless depths a seemingly omnipresent region known as the Labyrinth.
He did it with a reasoned calm that was commanding, catching and, for those fortunate enough to have a working television, seemingly omnipresent.