Drug Enforcement Administration officials say they seized more cocaine in the first three months of 1998 in the Bahamas than in the previous three years combined.
The office seized cocaine and heroin with a street value of nearly $90 million last year.
Mrs. Sigmund said she would favor increasing the number of police in the state and using the National Guard to seize cocaine coming through the Port of Newark.
Inside, the officers allegedly conducted an illegal search, broke open a strong box and safe and seized cash and cocaine as evidence.
Cocaine at Tens of Millions One official said the combined teams have already seized cocaine with "tens of millions of dollars in street value."
On May 2, 1985, F.B.I. agents and the police swarmed over 77 East Third Street, arrested 15 people and seized methamphetamine and cocaine.
One American diplomat explained, "The whole idea has never necessarily been to seize cocaine, but to disrupt the traffickers' communications and transportation systems."
Seizures by the Government As of Aug. 14, the Government had seized more cocaine this year than in all of 1988.
There, they seized cocaine with a street value of $7 million and apprehended Jaime Carlos Gallo, 45, and Javier Mafla, 30, they said.
Mexican police seized cocaine and cocaine-financed condominiums, yachts, businesses, cars and restaurants in and near Cancún.