Philippine authorities have seized large shipments of meat and scales from endangered anteaters.
Wildlife inspectors clear legal imports and exports and seize shipments that violate the law.
In addition, the German police seized small shipments of plutonium last summer, heightening fears about a hemorrhage of nuclear material from the former Soviet Union.
Initially, narcotics agents seized small shipments of only a few pounds.
Raids like the one in February are increasing, and fashion houses are working closely with customs officials around the world to seize unauthorized shipments.
In the last two years, federal, state and local law enforcement officials seized large shipments of drugs from trucks they thought belonged to Mr. Bermudez's operation.
The new plan allows United States forces to seize shipments in some cases.
We have seized illegal shipments worth millions of dollars.
But it does not establish any new legal authority to seize such shipments in international waters, a step that would require redrafting international laws.
It is up to their border services to seize such shipments and stop them at the border.