In some cases, the semantic connection is indirect (metonymic or metaphoric):
However, there exist many examples of semantic tallies which do have a clear semantic connection with normal meaningful elements, without themselves being semantic constituents.
The scientists created two lists of 20 randomly paired words with no semantic connection between them.
Its 1502 definitions attempt to establish semantic connections based upon puns between the word being defined and the word defining it, which is often followed with an explanation.
Three special meanings are unrelated semantic connections.
The semantic connection is unclear.
Here, as in the Odes generally, Horace favours a method of collage or juxtaposition, letting his audience make the semantic connections between images.
Carr (2007:362) outlines the semantic connections among these shi meanings.
When ius means law, it usually has some semantic connection to what is right, just or straight.
Functionally this is an expert search engine which centres around the intelligent semantic connection of search terms by means of a standardised vocabulary.