A separate declaration should be provided for each actual location within the vessel that is used to store ship's stores.
Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas also issued separate declarations of causes, in which they explained their reasons for secession.
The bill requires President Bush to sign it and then sign a separate declaration of emergency before benefits can flow.
In a separate declaration, the news media have been forbidden to broadcast any "rebellious/terrorist propaganda, comments, interviews, information and other similar and/or related materials."
However, Australia did not make a separate declaration of war.
First he must sign it and then sign a separate declaration of emergency under last year's budget act before the benefits can flow.
In a separate sworn declaration filed yesterday, however, Lucas shed some light on its information collection practices.
Criticism of Israel has been limited to a separate declaration on the Middle East.
Did they want a separate declaration?
A separate declaration for parts of Kansas was also in the works.