Following the 1956 war, he served as an Intelligence Officer with the 7th Brigade, and later assistance intelligence officer.
In 1939, Foulkes was serving as a major with the 3rd Brigade of the 1st Canadian Infantry Division.
He was promoted to first lieutenant in July 1919 while serving with the Fifth Brigade in France.
He transferred to the Rifle Brigade in 1956 and served with the Brigade during the Malayan Emergency.
From July 1932, until August 1934, Noble served with the 1st Brigade Marines in Haiti.
The Following served with the Brigade during this time.
He was serving with the 230th Brigade of the 74th (Yeomanry) Division.
Chamberlin was in active military duty in France during World War I, when he served with the 161 Brigade.
He served with the Fourth Brigade (Marine) in France from April to 11 December 1920.
During the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862, the 29th Massachusetts served with the Irish Brigade.