It was in the air, in the woman's tone, in her very silence; and he as silently followed her through the shady grove across a quivering log-bridge, and into a second grove more deeply shaded than the first.
Then he left the wagons in a shaded grove in the charge of Swart Hendrick, whom he mistrusted least, and taking only a spare horse set out to circumnavigate the mountain's bulk.
We made two stops - when dozens of abalone and crabs were pulled in by hand - but it wasn't long before we arrived at a tiny, tropical island, complete with flawless beach and small shaded grove.
My Mabinogi came to me, wanting to proceed with their learning, but we could not abide the heat and stink; even our shaded grove offered no escape.
Mr. Kovich, a former Merce Cunningham dancer, created a shaded grove inhabited by five figures from antiquity in "Echo Solo" and set them loose to play, flirt and drowse together and lead one another on.
In one poem, narrated by a black child, white and black bodies alike are described as shaded groves or clouds, which exist only until one learns "to bear the beams of love":
Reaching still deeper, Tyrus wandered shaded groves of alien trees and moved into echoing cells, selecting what he must have.
Behind them were her guards, and a full score of lancers surrounding the shaded grove where she had laid out the traveling scrying mirror on a fallen tree trunk.
Ethan Bickley's home was well out of town, set in a shaded grove, a snug and very private house of solid stone.
Midday concerts are held in a shaded grove adjacent to Field 6, not in the amphitheater.