He served as premier intermittently from 1913 to 1918 under several governments as part of shaky coalitions that often collapsed.
A shaky coalition that's libel to be replaced by an even more uncertain prospect.
The president had put together-and you will excuse me for saying so, sir-a rather shaky coalition to pass a new piece of legislation.
The goal is to maintain domestic political support and keep the somewhat shaky international coalition together.
Power now seems left in the hands of a shaky coalition of octogenarians.
The 26 is really a shaky coalition with varying interests.
The current Israeli government, like all which had preceded it for a decade, was a shaky coalition of disparate interests.
Indians say that as a member of a shaky coalition that depends on centrists, the party is more moderate.
The monarchy was replaced by a shaky coalition of political parties that declared itself the Provisional Government.
The Socialist Party, the largest member of the shaky governing coalition, dropped its resistance to opening the rice market to imports.