He forbids all shameful deeds, injustice and rebellion.
Surely it is a shameful deed and evil, opening roads (to other evils).
Refusing to dwell on a host of other shameful deeds her sister might be thinking of tonight, Leah sighed.
I don't see how he can sing like that, knowing that one of his relatives has just done such a shameful deed.
It is more than unbearable for me to face you and make this confession of my shameful deeds, and I deeply apologize.
It forced them to connive in shameful new-world deeds absolutely essential to winning.
I never did a less shameful deed.
A shameful deed that was done against me, lord.
If that were so, it was a shameful deed; but not his worst.
There is a Norwegian proverb which observes that shameful deeds bring on revenge.