The emblem "reflects our shared appreciation for Oregon's beauty, entrepreneurial spirit and environmental leadership", said Democratic Party spokesman Marc Siegal.
Mr. Jordan has described their conversations over the years as ranging from discussions of political strategy to "locker-room talk" about their shared appreciation for attractive women.
Understanding that this shared appreciation of circumstances liberates him to speak in exactly his own way.
Bond escapes, killing several of Mr. Big's men in the process, whilst Leiter is released by a gang member, sympathetic because of a shared appreciation of jazz.
Perhaps it's a shared appreciation of the joys and perils of hanging out on a limb.
After the men finally met in person while shooting the film, both got along well, despite the heated exchanges, in part from a shared appreciation for P.G. Wodehouse.
She meets and falls in love with her first husband after she discovers their shared appreciation of Black music.
You never feel that the ensemble members are all on the same wavelength, with a shared appreciation of the rarefied, poisonous social climate that has shaped their characters.
Emily and her father share an especially close bond, due to their shared appreciation for nature.
The two groups then came together to begin the real business of the day - finding a shared appreciation of the situation in which they were to operate.