The rock of the back wall was covered with shimmering strands.
Austin swirled the brandy in his snifter, watching light twist in shimmering strands of gold through the amber liquid.
I took several steps toward the dressing table, and the silky, shimmering strands lifted in the disturbed air of my movement, drifting across the tabletop.
Beautiful, seen in the shimmering x-ray-snaky strands purling, twinkling with scarlet hotspots.
He gathered translucent rainbows and gemmed mist, separated their shimmering strands, and wove them swiftly, one around the other, into a rope of gleaming enchantment.
Through a glare of unbearable brilliance, he saw Hearvin had loosed his second spell; Tathagres struggled like a fly in a web of shimmering strands.
Epaulets of brass adorned one, necklaces in silver ran in shimmering strands from the neck of another.
Now guess the identity of the shimmering yellow strands beside it.
Strange growths erupted from the sweating steel walls, and shimmering strands hung down from the torn ceiling.
Then from the base of one arose a tangle of shimmering strands, long, slender whiplashes that played about and sank slowly again beneath the crimson surface.