The dark blue sky was clear and the stars shone brilliantly.
The atmosphere in the room changed, as if the late sun, still shining brilliantly outside, had suddenly gone in.
There was every indication of a dust-storm, though the sun still shone brilliantly.
But the shower was already nearly over, and the sun began shining brilliantly through escaping clouds of fine rain.
The sun was shining brilliantly upon the garden of our new residence when I dragged myself there next morning.
It was shining brilliantly when, a little farther down the lane, they came to their new home.
You can see it shining brilliantly in the twilight, chasing the Sun down below the western horizon.
It was about three o'clock, and the sun was shining brilliantly.
Again the sun shone brilliantly on the small, bright lawn and white roses.
The sun was shining brilliantly, for a moment, and the wind rushed full in her face.