There were major innovations in effigial posture, the deceased often being shown reclining or kneeling in prayer and surrounded by the whole family, as in life.
The young John's father Arthur Giffard (d.1616) is shown kneeling opposite his son at the bottom left, praying before a bible placed on a lectern.
They are shown kneeling below the family coat of arms.
The Goddess Isis, and the Goddess Nekhbet are often shown kneeling, with their hands resting upon a shenu.
The other-Marcus' eyes went wide as he recognized the regalia of the man shown kneeling before another king on horseback.
They complained that the portrayal of Anne of Brittany was demeaning, as she was shown kneeling to the French king.
Catherine is also shown kneeling, with the Virgin, before Christ, in The Crucifixion, M. 917, p. 160; Plummer, Plate 96.
The figure is shown kneeling on an oval base and has its hair pulled back behind its ears.
The couple are shown kneeling opposite one another with an altar between them.
Later, he is shown kneeling in front of a stone wall with flames upon it.