When they fight,they shriek loudly and bite each other's tails .
The old slave rushed in and shrieked loudly, while Neangir, upset by this strange adventure, left the house.
My God, don't hurt us,' the male shrieked loudly, almost like a woman.
Except her inflamed nerve endings shrieked loudly to the contrary.
In the air, the high-pitched calls of the alien presence seeking contact with the whales shrieked loudly.
A siren shrieked loudly as I stepped over him and clutched the handle of the overhead door.
A sea bat, shrieking loudly, was blown across the deck and over the side.
A gull, the first they'd seen in weeks, swooped low over the mastpole, shrieking loudly.
Their weapons shrieked loudly in the confined space of the wrecked runabout.
One of the Tsurani on the ground near Durine was still shrieking loudly.