Many people simply conformed outwardly and pretended to become Christian while secretly continuing to practice their beliefs.
According to this interpretation then, "women's use of prestige features simply conforms to the ordinary sociolinguistic order, while men deviate from what is expected."
Manuel II's discussions with his Muslim counterpart simply conformed to this pattern of polemical exchanges, repeated often, over at least four centuries.
Could well be negated because all we're saying is that the counter argument to it is we're simply conforming with the structure plan.
Instead, I have a feeling that you're looking for a brand new school, with shiny-faced kids in shiny royal blue uniforms, who will above all else simply conform.
But I would rather earn my way back again than simply conform to what people are expecting.
Lastly, participants exhibited a "distortion of action", suggesting that they knew what the correct answer was, but conformed with the majority group simply because they didn't want to seem inferior.
However, they apparently failed to consult their own solicitors on the matter and simply conformed to the request of the mortgagees as a formality.
If we simply conform to WTO rules without increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the system, the whole approval process could come to a standstill.
Luer-Slip fittings simply conform to Luer taper dimensions and are pressed together and held by friction (they have no threads).