The "shall" and the "may" provisions simply relate to the possible remedy.
It will be successful if white audiences can relate to these characters simply as people with flaws and virtues.
I will simply relate one incident indicative of his level head and readiness to oppose injustice.
It simply relates to management's self-dealing, and we're very upset about that part of the picture.
At the other extreme, aides say his natural strength is in relating simply to people along the campaign way.
In general, one cannot simply relate oxidation potential to reactivity.
I will not attempt to console you; but will simply relate the circumstances of the transaction.
The term simply relates the state of the reactant and product.
For the sake of clarity, the Regulation should contain clear rules relating simply to public access to documents and not a lot else.
These criticisms, however, ignore the fact that Remarque is not simply relating his own experiences to anyone who will listen.