There were parkbuilders who could achieve such perfection from a single viewpoint.
He remembered the time she inherited some money... Here's a single viewpoint with a shifting focus.
But the focus is more than from a single viewpoint, it's also on a single subject.
The single viewpoint controlled the Communist decision makers at the time of their selection: the reliability.
The bodies of all three figures, however, are seen as in normal vision, from a single (or stationary) viewpoint.
No single viewpoint is evident, since the forum encourages each member to concentrate on developing and refining a personal vision.
Theoretically, the patient could then relativize experience and escape from a single viewpoint or life experience.
It irritates him that the fashion press seems to get increasingly behind a single viewpoint.
There are many cooks, all getting some practice, and no single curatorial viewpoint.
Projected from a single viewpoint it resembles the perspective of a modern panoramic photograph.