His nomination ends a six-month, quiet but intense search for a suitable candidate.
The decision was made at a special board meeting yesterday after a six-month search by the Whitney's architect selection committee.
After a six-month search, an editing team sent the manuscript to the publisher Shristi, who published the book.
During his six-month search, the space he found was too sterile, he said.
Names bandied about during the six-month search had been, for the most part, familiar and comfortable, like old golf shoes.
She started interviewing in March and found a job only two weeks ago, after an exhaustive six-month search.
Most recently, after a six-month search, he received an offer to be a manager at an industrial supplies company in Los Angeles.
He announced his intention to resign last October, setting off a six-month search for a replacement.
After its troubled six-month search, the board has finally narrowed the field of candidates to eight, and has scheduled interviews with them next week.
The council's inability to reach a consensus on several candidates following a six-month search prompted Worcester's decision to accept the top post.