We have also lost the printer, several skilled stonemasons, some weavers and jewelers.
Covering an area of about 328 hectares (1.26 sq mi), this attractive village is known for its traditional red-roofed brick houses and its skilled stonemasons.
The quarrymen were also skilled stonemasons.
John "Jack" Oughton (September 18, 1876 - after 1940) was a skilled stonemason in Lincoln County, Idaho.
The village is the home of many stonemasons skilled in using this local material to construct decorative sculptures and architecturally important masterpieces.
The construction of the building involved the importing of 300 skilled stonemasons from Scotland.
Under his direction, the cathedral employed and trained neighborhood men as skilled stonemasons and carvers during the decades of the continuing project.
And the tower on that highest hill over there looks like it's all granite and put together by very skilled and careful stonemasons, too.
He was born in Perth, Scotland and became a skilled stonemason.
The original church at Fourth Street & Howard Avenue was built by the parishioners themselves, many of whom were skilled stonemasons and carpenters.