He drew his sword and sliced downward.
Cafe raised his hand and sliced downward.
All up and down the net line, dwarves raised heavy axes above the keeper cables, and when Slide's trumpet sounded again, they sliced downward.
The column came directly below the ambush, and Slide Tolec raised his arm and sliced downward.
Into the gap between the leaves of the gate, actually, and metal screamed as the demon sliced downward.
The Shadow's fist sliced downward.
Her sword tip caught the charging gnoll just above its sternum and sliced downward.
He picked up a scalpel and bent over for the dissection, starting a few inches under the chin and slicing downward toward the pubic bone.
With a sharp knife, remove the kernels from the cob, slicing from the top of the ear downward and not too close to the cob.
Before her horror-filled eyes, his sword began to slice downward, aimed straight for her throat.