Copper has been sliding since late in the third quarter of 1990, when slowing industrial production translated into weakening demand.
The price an ounce has slid 11 percent since January alone.
Standards at the hotel had also slid somewhat since the shah's days.
The shares have slid 20 percent since July 17, when they hit a 52-week high of $109.
Trading volume slid to 116.11 million shares, the lowest since March 12, when activity stood at 114.8 million shares.
The immediate impact is discernible in the value of the dollar, which has been sliding since March.
Sliding along the walls-- a very difficult maneuver and yet one of the most valuable, since the enemy couldn't get behind you.
The report predicted that Hungary's economy would grow by 1 to 2 percent next year, after sliding since 1989.
Wage disparities have been growing and real median wages sliding since the late 1970's, and lots of Americans aren't happy about it.
Circulation peaked in 1978, and advertising has been sliding since 1984.