There were the bright, slightly cheesy costumes.
"Well, it would have smelled slightly cheesy, I thought."
Even the special effects have a slightly cheesy, retro look.
Although it praises the lighting as "spectacular", the video editing is "somewhat choppy and slightly cheesy" with "pretty standard" camera angles and close-ups.
And the resulting hybrid, a slightly cheesy mixture of rock 'n' roll and European formality, created a dramatic tension that energized movie music around the world.
Yes, the shots are slightly cheesy (Does the name Fabio ring a bell?)
Saints Row fills the role of over-the-top, slightly cheesy younger brother of the Grand Theft Auto series.
Piano Vibrations, when it has been reviewed, has been described as "slightly cheesy", especially in light of Wakeman's later involvement in progressive rock, but still listenable.
Ilya - 10 days ago Super 8 is not that bad... Sure it has a slightly cheesy story line but overall the Movie was Awesome!!
Sure, there's an exaggerated, slightly cheesy quality about his image; it's something he's fully aware of, and perhaps at times a bit rueful about.