I had been slightly jealous; now it was my turn.
After meeting Chris, he made a contract with them, and like Pon-chan, they can get slightly jealous when he notices someone else.
This which makes Rose slightly jealous.
Araminta was slightly jealous about that, mainly because Shelly was a year younger than her and obviously successful.
They are interrupted by the slightly jealous Jill, who informs Saadia that, for financial reasons, there will be an extra show on Saturday.
He wastes no time in settling in with the gang, and a slightly jealous Nick goes to get changed for practice.
He desperately wants to have a girlfriend, and is slightly jealous of Take for having one.
"Wait till we get older, and I'll be able to do that," Monica said, seeming slightly jealous.
Because of this, Seiji is slightly jealous of Kouhei.
Mrs Allerton didn't like to admit that she felt slightly jealous of the girl.