The shape of the ascending phrase is perhaps a representation of the cathedral's slow emergence from the water.
Lillian watches her own life with admiring curiosity, as if contemplating the slow emergence of a photograph negative into focused detail.
A slow emergence from sleep into a shocked awakening, sitting up in bed, throwing back the bedclothes, aware that it was still dark outside except for the orange glow of streetlamps.
The gain came after several sessions in which fears about a slow emergence from the recession contributed to lackluster market performance.
Her increasingly vibrant color often camouflages key images, whose slow emergence increases the sculptural impact.
He himself, he explained, is the end product of his family's slow and arduous emergence, through excellence in the arts, from the poverty of Eastern Europe.
Jake raised his head to see her slow emergence, her form ghostly and somehow pitiful in the dim light.
Well-spoken and energetic, Mr. Stewart, 37, tells a painful tale of the slow emergence of his homosexuality.
Clients have reported the slow emergence of a personal narrative that can be considered explicit (conscious) memory.