About one in 12 high school seniors now say they smoke daily, though the smoking rates have barely budged in younger students since 2003.
Clinical influenza incidence among those who daily smoked 21 or more cigarettes was 21% higher than that of non-smokers.
When they compared their answers with those on the forms, they found that the forms identified only about 57 percent of those who smoked daily.
And there has been no decline in smoking by teen-agers, with 17 percent of high school seniors now smoking daily.
People who smoke daily double their risk of stroke.
The segment of seniors who said they were current smokers was 29 percent last year and 18 percent said they smoked daily.
Tobacco users often smoke 20 or more cigarettes daily.
Your dose will depend on how many cigarettes you smoked daily before quitting.
Nearly 9 percent of the 8th graders surveyed said they smoked daily, up from 7.2 percent in 1991.
Among the 90,000 estimated to smoke daily, nearly one-third are teenagers.