"We won't really be able to tell whether someone is smoking outside the workplace or not," said Paul Colitti, a company spokesman.
The guidelines also urged parents to smoke outside their homes and to ask guests not to smoke in the house.
Some businesses are refusing to hire workers who smoke outside the workplace, on ground that smokers' health problems are bad for their employers.
"I feel like we should have a right to smoke outside the school," he said, adding that his cough was from a cold, not cigarettes.
If you live with the person who is trying to quit, agree to smoke outside the house or apartment, or limit your smoking to one room.
One of the security guys was smoking outside the door.
The only person in sight was a woman in curlers smoking outside the town's other remaining business, a hair salon.
The article mentioned that the father of these asthmatic children now smokes only outside the home.
If you must smoke, protect your children by always smoking outside the home.
At issue is whether an employer has the right to dismiss or refuse to hire a person who smokes outside the workplace.