After gripping the prey, the snake coils around it, tightening its coils every time the victim breathes out.
The gorgeous snake coil- ing about her throat like a necklace was a priceless piece of theater!
To sOme suddenly it seemed that they saw a snake coil- ing itself to strike.
The snake coils around a candle, putting out its flame, and sending the man to hell.
Neil and Chris sit on the platform watching, then get into another van where a large snake coils itself around them.
The mammal becomes asphyxiated as the snake coils itself around it.
It is believed that snake coils are formed through the same mechanism as tunnel valleys.
Israi frowned at Uhura through snake coils of black hair.
From the entrance of the well, a stairway built into the wall of the shaft descends in the form of a snake coil.
The snake coils around two pear-shaped detachable emeralds weighing more than 200 carats each.