One of the stories tell that an elephant, a snake, and a spider used to worship this linga.
These snakes use their neurotoxic venom against their fish prey.
In the exposed earth, a channel angled toward the surface - the snakes used it to come and go.
The fear will take away all desire to resist, and the snakes use it very well.
The snake on the cover uses the eyes of drummer Lee Kerslake.
When the snake does use it, it mostly tries to immobilize or kill its prey.
These docile, harmless snakes use several tricks to try and scare away predators.
A snake in concertina motion, however, uses its energy significantly less efficiently.
Often, there is a water source nearby and rocks, woody debris or leaf litter that these snakes use for cover.
Most snakes use specialized belly scales to travel, gripping surfaces.