It would also help the City (90% of which's activity is socially useless, say the FSA) to become socially useful by contributing some tax revenue from this crazy turbo-gambling.
She's not a fan of day care and says people who postpone marriage are socially useless "freaks of culture," but in the end she's not all that far from the mean.
Mr. Gorbachev said the recent "panic" on Wall Street was a "grave warning" against "the senseless and socially useless squandering of resources" on defense.
Progressive thinker Adair Turner of the FSA has urged reform, castigating as "socially useless" many of the financial instruments that have distracted financiers from their core task.
On the other hand, I get a little queasy when I hear the phrase "socially useless" activity.
I think that some of it is socially useless activity.
Or to someone following some highly profitable and amusing, but socially useless or socially mischievous occupation.
Heavily regulate any socially useless investments.
Spiritually motivated self-sacrifice must be freely and unreservedly undertaken; otherwise, it becomes a token of conventional pietism - religiously counterproductive and socially useless.
This mish-mash is just yet another socially useless instrument along the same lines as the ineffective 'Lisbon Strategy' for European economic growth.