BUT big societal forces should get only part of the blame.
Macro (national) environment - larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment.
Not top-down influences on the population, the academics were serving more as mouthpieces for larger societal forces.
The Farmers' movement was much misunderstood, abused and ridiculed by the societal forces it challenged.
The police department has become overburden in the last decade or so with all those societal forces.
Because societal forces operated on both large and small employers, coverage by the Civil Rights Act made the difference.
Similar societal forces are at play, leading to the very same surgical procedures and worse.
You're dealing with cultural and societal forces.
According to him a person has to combat or confront three forces: societal, love-related, and vocational forces.
The relationship that the poems are about disintegrates by the end because societal and cultural forces prevented it from lasting.