The work uses a virus to prepare carbon nanotubes for incorporation into a solar device, and sees a big boost in conversion efficiency.
These car sheltering solar devices differ from artistic Solar Trees in that they have no organic aesthetic.
Tomkiewicz research interests focus on alternative (non-fossil) energy sources that include semiconducting photoelectrochemical solar devices, batteries and disposal of nuclear waste.
Although this project focused on self-assembly, the PARC scientists have already taken the next step toward a practical solar device.
From traditional III-V materials science R&D, to solar, optical and wireless devices, Veeco offers materials science technologies and advanced support.
Active solar devices such as photovoltaic solar panels help to provide sustainable electricity for any use.
China is where the Energy Innovations solar devices are to be manufactured.
Built following ecological criteria, it includes passive solar devices with ample open spaces to maximize the use of natural light.
L) is a semiconductor company that manufacturers advanced epitaxial wafers for a wide range of technology applications for wireless, optoelectronic, electronic and solar devices.
The State of California prohibits Homeowners' associations from restricting solar devices.