The fruit is a rounded nutlet with a pointed tip about 2 millimeters long and borne singly, in pairs or triplets which are solidly attached to each other.
Then, starting at the solidly attached veneer and working out toward the loose edge, smooth the loose veneer carefully into place.
The stout metal girders, the curved ribs, were attached solidly to the massive keel by means of their atomic welders.
The pivot point of the oars (attached solidly to the boat) is the fulcrum.
The head is solidly attached to the body.
Not all those corpses seemed solidly attached to a sufficiently portentous motive for them to have become corpses in the first place.
The ends of the turbine rotor were closed with double-cones, which had enough flexibility to expand with the rotor while still remaining solidly attached to the power shaft.
The main crank is solidly attached to both paddle wheels so they cannot turn independently of each other.
The egg, or larva or whatever it is, had gotten deeper, and attached solidly to the uterine wall.
They seemed solidly attached to the wall, without the slightest interest in being broken by her efforts.