This actor seems somewhat adrift - he can't recall his own phone number and has trouble reaching his agent - but not bitter or depressed.
Aware of the not quite familiar atmosphere which had surrounded Martha and Heinrich and detached her sister, she felt, for the first time, somewhat adrift.
Robson apparently stepped down sometime in mid-1939, after which the Workshop was somewhat adrift.
At the same time, however, with Mr. Marcos's firm grip broken and the central Government divided and somewhat adrift, other armed groups have proliferated.
But the two executives' departures, expected for several months, have not been announced, and the huge studio is somewhat adrift, say agents, producers and writers.
That night they discover, if there was any doubt, that they are minor people, somewhat adrift in the world.
When they first moved to Centereach she said she felt somewhat adrift.
It would be difficult to consider the discoveries that overturned these assumptions without feeling somewhat adrift, if not downright small.
The fact that they are undated leaves the reader somewhat adrift about specific references.
But the agency now finds itself somewhat adrift and with a leadership vacuum.