We shall take some pains to give you a somewhat disreputable background.
Until very recently, trying to compute by using quantum mechanics was an obscure and somewhat disreputable endeavor.
They performed the same functions but were somewhat disreputable, as they were frequented by thieves and prostitutes.
It had evolved from the old, and somewhat disreputable, over-the-counter market, where stocks not good enough to be listed on exchanges were traded.
Mark Twain had a significant career as a platform comedian and throughout his life was seen - like slam - as somewhat disreputable.
His other memorable creation is Slim Callaghan, a somewhat disreputable private detective most at home in the less savoury sections of London.
Labour's role in all this is somewhat disreputable.
Both groups were somewhat disreputable.
A third and somewhat disreputable technique involves adding red wine to cheap white wine in whatever dosage is needed to give the required pink tint.
Despite the somewhat disreputable name, there is nothing under-the-counter about them.