The story of their encounter is somewhat humorous.
He often opens the show with a somewhat humorous song about the video that was presented over the course of the show.
These are somewhat humorous and based on actual events.
They have been described as cute and somewhat humorous.
The name, somewhat humorous, arises because the street runs over an old stream at the bottom of a gently-sloped valley.
On a somewhat humorous note, the gold medal he was given broke off of the strap, much to his surprise.
The analysis is serious, however it is intended to be somewhat humorous.
The event, although short, is often attended by large portions of the student population due to its somewhat humorous nature.
In addition, despite its somewhat humorous tone, it is often cited as the primary (or even only) reference on the subject of car engine cooking.
Also of note is its lighter, somewhat humorous nature compared to previous Godsmack videos.