Surely the economic regeneration of the area was a priority, without which much vaunted training schemes were somewhat pointless.
"Ampi-Apps" was felt to be somewhat pointless by two of the three distributors, and Edna's poor pitch at the gaming fair did not help their cause.
By the time the trial took place, so many other, and wilder, charges had been hurled at his head that issuing denials had become for him a somewhat pointless exercise.
I also pointed out that, in the extremely well-known case of Rosa Parks, the protest would have been rendered somewhat pointless had she got to her feet.
Deborah E. Lipstadt, director of the Institute for Jewish Studies at Emory University and a Holocaust scholar, dismissed the idea as "somewhat pointless."
It seemed a somewhat pointless exercise, since the galleass had ceased being a water-capable means of transport quite some time ago.
At about the same time, she will also ask when you want dinner, which is somewhat pointless since ryokan meal schedules are about as flexible as Parris Island's.
So spending time telling us it shouldn't be a big secret is somewhat pointless and that Windows 7 had a public beta, is a bit pointless.
Gorgonzola sauce enlivened triangles of soft polenta served with two slices of bruschetta under a saute of ordinary mushrooms, a somewhat pointless pairing.
So, what should we do now to ensure that our debate today is not what it often is - a somewhat pointless, futile confrontation?