Certain stories also imply that he is somewhat resistant to cold temperatures (42).
Shares of drug makers, which are considered somewhat resistant to the effects of an economic slowdown, were rising all day.
His original body also seemed to be somewhat resistant to injury, although Wolverine managed to kill him.
Because the eastern white pine tree is somewhat resistant to fire, mature survivors are able to re-seed burned areas.
Every so often my dreamy gaze moves to him, his warm brown eyes smiling for a mouth somewhat resistant to the act.
Plants with small fruits are somewhat resistant, and late varieties with large vines come through better than early, short ones.
Traditional masonry arches are generally durable, and somewhat resistant to settlement or undermining.
The Hulmans were somewhat resistant to allow television coverage of the 500.
At first, Hartford audiences, perhaps expecting more popular fare, were somewhat resistant to his work.
Sarah began to push his chair up through the thick and somewhat resistant jam of police officers.