Neville pinched at his nostrils and managed a somewhat sickly grin.
I settled on a tree limb there and resumed my own form while he was carefully examining a somewhat sickly rose-bush.
Shah was known to be somewhat sickly throughout his life, and he finally died at the age of 40 of gout.
Of course he has always had a sort of gray colour but lately the shade of gray has become somewhat sickly.
These preserves give the whole piece a sweet, somewhat sickly aroma, not to mention an overall weirdness.
"Dear me, yes," I said, with a somewhat sickly smile.
Being somewhat sickly, he tried to overcome this physical handicap with exercise and sports.
Then we laughed, somewhat sickly.
He was frail and somewhat sickly in his youth and stood only 4 ft 9 in (1.45 m) at the age of fourteen.
Roger-who had hoped to add another feather to his cap by solving the mystery himself-smiled in a somewhat sickly way.